Gentlemen Your Verdict Analysis

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“Gentlemen Your Verdict” by Michael Bruce, is a story that begins in a court room. The men in the courtroom were survivors of a submarine crash. There were 20 men in the submarine originally at the beginning of their trip. But when they crashed at the bottom of the ocean, the captain estimated that it would take a week for rescue, and the crew had 3 days of air. Someone had to go, but whom? Were the Captain’s actions warranted? I would agree with the captains reasoning but would you? The story is told from the point of view of the 5-crew members who survived the crash. They each tell their own version of what had went down that terrible day individually. Even thought each story is a little different from the previous, each one covers the main events. The submarine had just hit a mine, which sent it directly down to the bottom of the sea. As the captain sees there is no way out unless they are pulled out of the water, he realizes that time is crucial. He calls for help but all they tell him is that the only help they can get will come in 7 days. With the air inside running out fast, the…show more content…
There were no other options for him to make assure the survival of his men other to do what he did. I think that if he had taken no action, and wished for the best of luck that rescue would have all died and ‘then’ he would have made the wrong decision. Think about it. Would it be in good taste to leave all the men to die know they could have been saved, or to take command as a captain should and save some fellow lives, as well as maximize resources which is one of the duty’s of a Captain . This story may have only been the result of solders arguing in Barracks about if a Commander should have the authority to kill a solder, but it does bring up a valid point. Sometimes some rules should be overridden if you could give justification. Some rules were made to be broken, and some rules are plain
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