George Zimmerman Case Analysis

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Samantha Martin The news article I chose to compare and contrast is the release of George Zimmerman. If you have been keeping up with the news you know that Zimmerman is the neighborhood watch captain who shot and killed seventeen year-old Trayvon Martin on February 26th as he walked home from the store after purchasing a soda and a bag of Skittles. Today April 23, 2012 Zimmerman was released on 15,000 dollars bond witch was ten percent of the 150,000 dollar bond set by the judge earlier this week. has video coverage of Zimmerman walking out of jail escorted by police clutching a brown paper bag. The links on this site are very useful if you want to follow the story from the beginning. There is also a link that you can click on to find out 5 things that we learned in Zimmerman’s bond hearing. There are many links throughout the article. Many are simply just to jump to that particular part of the article. The main story was about the Sanford police chief tendering his official resignation. The Sanford police department declined his resignation.…show more content…
The links involved on the site are almost the same as msnbccom. The article goes in-depth about how George Zimmerman posted ten percent of his bond to be released from jail on second degree murder charges. It also tells how Zimmerman has to wear an ankle bracelet that tracks his every move via GPS. The article also goes into the effect of his release on the Martin family. The same goes for All three websites give detailed information on the timeline of the case regarding George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. Personally I prefer to receive my news information via the local Television news. These site contain a lot of useful information. You can click on a link for world new and US new, even local news. I simply think it is an overload of

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