Stylistic Features of 'The Gift of the Magi'

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the most remarkable feature of this delightful christmas tale by O.Henri is the significance of the number '3', gift giving also involves three things the giver,the gift and the receiver. as you know there were THREE wise men , who brought forth THREE gifts too baby Jesus who was also a member of a family of THREE, this number is repeated throughout the story, there are three main characters Della, Jim and Mme. Sofronie, Della bargained with the butcher,the grocer and the vegetable man. according to the author life is made up of sobs, sniffles and smiles. looking for the number three is also alot of fun!:) the style of writing is absolutely beautiful, the author sometimes deviates form the main story line to inform readers of the life lessons expressed in the story, for instance the first message that life is made up of 'sobs,sniffles and smiles,sniffles predominating' one cannot fully express the amount of truth in these words. the author has chosen to describe the spirit of gift giving with an example of two young lovers, who may appear foolish to wits and persons of logic but to those who have experienced what it feels like to sacrifice something great for someone beloved , can fully understand their wisdom that is their love, love is the true wisdom , not knowledge or wit but pure,blind love , since love as all wise people know ,brings peace and joy along with it . and the reaffirmation of their love in each other was the only gift they needed. it is not the gift but the spirit in with which it is given, Della and Jim only wanted to show their gratitude and to see the joy with which the gifts would be received. because in gift giving the exchange is not materialistic both participants get a greater gift for the giver its the satisfaction of witnessing the joy and excitement experienced by the receiver, and for the reciever its the joy of being remembered

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