Government Technological Control

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Was Government Technological Control Beneficial for American People? The government during the 19th Century was beginning to be involved in many on going projects. The steam engines were one of the first inventions that the Government regulated. Steam engines changed the relationships between the federal government, state governments, and private property owners for the future inventors. Governmental agencies became involved in the steamboats with Fulton and Livingston when their Monopoly took over waterways, restricting the travel up and down the Hudson Years after the Civil War saw major technological industrialization and advances like the railroad. The technological advances made it possible to start America's westward expansion and economic development by connecting the frontier with the industrial, financial, and political centers of the East . Americans began to rely upon technological advancements like the railroad, electrical power, and telephone systems for economic and/or social growth and development. Shortly following the same groups of inventors took on land travel. By putting strong constantly modified steam engines in the first…show more content…
The Manhattan project is also seen as a continuation to the growth of mass industrial production systems from previous years. This was one of the first industrial projects that were taken on immediately by the military and funded by the American Government with out contest . Many chemists from Europe got involved in the project and merged into the industrial regulations of most scientists/chemists in American Industrial invention. The project allotted for the employment of a record amount of physicists and chemists . This major movement in technological history saw one of the first moments where technological engineers and machinists worked in unity with physicists and chemists

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