Graffiti Speech Essay

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Specific Purpose: To inform the class about graffiti Thesis: Graffiti has changed in many ways from its history, present use, and how it can relate to college students. I. Introduction: Some call it illegal, others just call it art. (Show visual to get attention). Personally, I’ve seen some beautifully amazing graffiti, which is why I got interested in this topic. I am sure that all of you have also seen graffiti and have either classified it has an art or crime, No matter what you call it, graffiti is a form of expression that has been used throughout history. It has changed in many ways throughout history, and I’m going to share some information about its role in ancient times, it's evolution in the 60’s and 70’s, and its continuing presense today. II. Body A. Throughout ancient time, graffiti has been a means of communication. 1. According to the PBS production, “The History of Graffiti,” the very first people to use graffiti were the cave men. (PowerPoint) They drew pictures of animals, family members, and events that happened. Some scientists think that because cavemen had no written language they communicated their stories by using pictures instead. For example, if the people had a really successful hunt, they would tell the story of that in their paintings. Many things we know about cave people were from the carvings in the wall because the pictures told their story. a. These days we have markers and colored pencils, but back then they only had two colors to work with, red and black. That was because they had to use animal blood and plants. b. They also used the cave walls or animals skins for “paper”. 1. Next the Romans used the graffiti to write all over the walls of the buildings that they had taken. 2. The Egyptians also used graffiti to not only use pictures to tell a story, but they also turned those pictures

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