Hamlet Has a Flaw

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Hamlet Has a Flaw? Hamlet was highly intelligent, and I think his intelligence was only challenged by that of Horatio, who is Hamlet’s most trusted friend. Hamlet being as smart as he was he thought things just for his own good, and thus making Hamlet's fatal flaw procrastination. Hamlet also happened to fall in the category of two the seven deadly sins, and that would be wrath, and pride. When Hamlets father's apparition appeared before him he was giving a task to kill his uncle, so it would be involuntary wrath. At the same time Hamlet had to follow through with the murder of his uncle out of pride. Throughout the story of Hamlet he proves himself on a far superior intellect than anyone else in the play, mostly Polonius, he Hamlet confuses Polonius "Let her not walk I' the sun. Conception is a blessing, but not as your daughter may conceive. Friend, look to 't."(Shakespeare, 214), the Polonius said to himself "How say you by that? Still harping on my daughter. Yet he know me not at first; he said I was a fishmonger. He is far gone. And truly in my youth I suffered much extremity for love, very near this. I'll speak to him again. What do you read my lord." (Shakespeare, 214). Claudius was an intelligent man, but too demoralized to be seen as smart, and another big problem he had was the only man he trusted as an adviser was a moron, that would have been Polonius. Horatio was a very loyal mild tempered man, but he was a fool for love. Horatio also could not reason as well as Hamlet, like when Hamlet's fathers ghost appeared Horatio tried to stop Hamlet from going with him, for he had a fear of it. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern were both greedy men, they took Claudius's offer to be treated like a king, if they betrayed their "friend" Hamlet. Those two had no loyalty, which led them to their quick death. In the Play Hamlet, the title character Hamlet
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