Hawaii State History

301 Words2 Pages
Hawaii State History JMJ Landon Lee, State History, 8th grade, 1st Qtr Hawaii, “The Paradise of the Pacific”, or, the “Aloha State”, has many natural resources such as plants, trees, animals, and wildlife; some are invasive. You might say why or how is it paradise? It is “Paradise” because of the nice warm year- round temperatures, the beautiful blue ocean, the swaying trees and plants, the mighty mountains covered in forest, the animals or the birds, or all of the above. Let’s start off with the plants and trees. Aleurites moluccana is the state tree, or commonly referred to as the Kukui or candlenut tree. The state flower is the Pua Aloalo, or locally called the Yellow Hibiscus. Another native flower is the Hunakai, called the “beach morning glory”. One native plant is the Ohia Lehua. Another is the Haleakalā Silversword, which is a unique native plant that only blooms once in its life cycle, and it lives 15 to 50 years. Some of the invasive plants are the Ginger plant, Strawberry Guava, Asparagus Fern, and Bird of Paradise. These are just some of the many beautiful plants in Hawaii. The main water supply comes from rain, and we do have reservoirs. The main one is the Waihole Water supply from the mountain run off, and an important system for irrigation. The state mammal of Hawaii is the monk seal. The state marine mammal is the humpback whale. Some native animal species are the Hawaiian Hoary Bat, Theridion grallator, a ‘happy face spider’. Some Invasive Animals are the Coqui frog, the Indian mongoose, and Coffee Berry Borer, which can and might destroy the coffee crops. The state fish for Hawaii is the Humuhumunukunukuapuaa, and has one of the longest names! I feel like people envy me because I live in

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