Hawaiian Monk Seals

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Found Only in Hawaii lays the beautiful Hawaiian Monk Seal. These adorable creatures can be found in their own little groups under piers and wharfs. The seals stay in 
their own families and raise their own pups. There are no fostering of other pups going on which can cause them to die, loosing population. According to resources.metapress.com, it is very rare to see any adopting families. The mother seals are like the stay at home moms. They nurse their pups at home while the fathers are out at sea bringing back whatever food they can find. Females are about seven and a half feat long, weighing in at 600 pounds when the males are about seven feet long and weigh in at 400 pounds. Defenders.org tells that the Hawaiian Monk Seals live up to about thirty years. Only one pup is born at a time. Although this is true, mothers to not adopt any abandoned pups. Mothers carry their babies for one year before giving birth. Pups are about three feet long and weigh in at thirty five pounds at birth. A mother nurses their pup for about 40 days while teaching the young to swim. Resources.metapress.com states that the mother and her pup have responsive vocals. Defenders.org and Resources.metapress.com both state that these seals do not really adapt to their warm climate. Because of this, during the day you can find most seals laying out on the cool sand or under wharfs. They are somewhat lazy throughout the day because of the heat. With this being said, global warming is a big threat to the Hawaiian Monk Seals because of the rising sea level. The seals are found in shallow water for a reason, their lives depend on it. In the shallows, the seals are able to mate, rest, and raising the young pups. If sea level rises, where are these pups going to grow? Where are seals going to rest? Hawaiian Monk Seals have a very small variety of food. They eat fish, octopus, squid, and

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