Healthcare Worker Shortage

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The Healthcare Worker Shortage: Retention and Recruiting

The Healthcare Worker Shortage: Retention and Recruiting

Our healthcare system is currently, and has been for some time, experiencing a worker shortage. This shortage has risen due to various challenges imposed by the industry growth and demands for reform. The biggest challenge our healthcare system is faced with is meeting the demand of a rapidly aging population and a population of people who are gaining access to healthcare through governmental healthcare reform. Healthcare systems are now posed with the obstacle of going outside the realms of the typical recruiting platforms of outsourcing to other recruiting organizations, relying on employee referrals or using online advertisements.
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In a study published in 2013 by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing and The Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers, it was shown that greater than half of the RN workforce is age 50 or older. The consequence of this data is the reality that within the next 15 years a significant portion of the current nursing population will be retiring, or taking their experience and moving into higher paying private sector jobs. Compounding the problems faced by the increasing age of the nursing community is the realization that for a lengthy period of time the government and university leaders underinvested in health worker education. This underinvestment has led to a younger group of nurses who are not well prepared for the personal responsibility of working in the healthcare industry. Along with the underprepared nurses, there is also the lack of youths choosing to enter the healthcare field. In 2010 a report funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation estimated that in order to meet the growing shortage the baccalaureate prepared workforce would need to be increased by 80 percent, currently it has only grown 55 percent (Institute of Medicine,…show more content…
Health Care at the Crossroads Strategies for Addressing the Evolving Nursing Crisis
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