Hemingway's Short Story 'Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been'

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Literary Analysis Brianna West ENG125: Intorduction To Literature Marlena Fitzpatrick-Garcia February 17, 2015 Although Ernest Hemingway’s short story “Hills Like White Elephants” was written in 1927, the literary conflict can be compared to Joyce Carol Oates short story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” written more than thirty years later. Both Hemingway and Oates are great authors and they are urging readers to consider life lessons by the choices you make. However, Hemingway address this conflict through the use of Individual vs. Individual and Oates relies on Individual vs. Self. Both Hemingway and Oates are urging the readers to consider the life lesson we can learn from making the right or wrong decision in life.…show more content…
Ernest Hemingway fills his story “ Hills Like Whie Elephants” with an assortment of symbols, foreshadows, and visual imagery, that helps represent the conflict of the story. Hemingway uses the scenery “on this side there was no shade and now trees” (Hemingway,1927) then quickly goes to another symbol “between two lies of rails in the sun” (Hemingway, 1927). The lack of shade and two separate tracks symbolizes the couple’s dilemmas and the divide between the two choices they must choose. The visual imagery in this story is simple to understand but its left incomplete. In the story it’s said “hills across the valley of the Ebro were long and white” (Hemingway, 1927). Hemingway believed that what was left unsaid would always be more powerful than what was stated in a work of fiction. You can read where Jig says “they look like white elephants” then her boyfriend replies “ I’ve never seen one” then Jig says “No you wouldn’t have” her boyfriend becomes defensive and says, “I might have…just because you say I wouldn’t have doesn’t prove anything” (Hemingway, 1927). This piece of dialogue, gives enough foreshadowing of text when later in the story which he mentions on how he knows “lots of people that have done it” and how the “operation” is “perfectly simple”…show more content…
One of the more important symbols is that of Arnold Friend. He is often thought to represent the devil; a temptation for Connie that she slowly comes to realize is very evil. Arnold Friend is a symbol of temptation that Connie will have to face while trying to find independence and also herself. Connie seems comfortable with Arnold at first but she soon starts to see through his disguise and see’s him for the evil man that he really is. This story also shows the use of foreshadowing, when Connie is off trying to be independent and grown up. In the story when Connie sneaks off “ducking fast across the busy, road, to a drive-in restaurant where older kids hung out” (Oates, 1966). This part of the story foreshadows the ending when Connie is forced to make a grown up decision to save her family, all because she wanted to be independent, grown, and seek attention from

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