Hi Fhsk Essay

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Hanzo Jimenez 9/27/2013 Lib 201 I am pretty sure I have a good understanding of my own identity and my position in the world but, sometimes I question do I really know. With going to this event (which was Warrior Dash) I started to think If I really cared about community service of not. I did this event because my fraternity demands us to do at least 25 hours of community semester. With this event it also showed me who I really am. I usually see myself as a good person with high self-esteem and that I like helping people out. With this event it showed me that I really don’t care about community service and that I could live with not helping people except those close to myself. Also it showed me that I really don’t have as high of self-esteem as I thought. I am not the one to usually be the first one to start up a conversation. For the event I had to end up talking to everyone that was running in warrior dash and I hated it. I had to find people’s names and give them their papers but what really sucks was when people got mad at me. They got mad because their papers weren’t their like it was my fault so, I ended up feeling discouraged. It also made me see how important family is to me and how I must do exciting things with them before it’s too late. I saw so many families just have the time of their life and enjoy themselves. It really showed me how important family is to me and how much I miss them. It made me realize that I need to hang out with my family more. I see that my position in the world is not that important. I realize that my life is not significant but it is too the people close to me. I just see myself now as a son, brother, and a friend. I don’t really see myself as anything else because I just don’t really put myself out there to see if I would make an impact in the world. Right now all I see myself impacting is just people’s lives. I just do
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