Hip Hop Youth Culture

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In the United States of America people are always influenced by events of the past or by the words of others. The youth of America along with its easily influenced attitudes and the nihilistic way of living has shaped our country into something it never used to be. W.E.B DuBois and Cornel West are two writers from different eras of American History. The two works, Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B. DuBois and Democracy Matters by Cornel West, draw strong comparisons as well as many differences into the way black culture has influenced the shaping of America. Before understanding the point of view from each of the authors, it is important to know how they came to be and what their backgrounds are. Cornel West, is what we would call “A Jack of…show more content…
We have to look at how the whole Rap music genre started. Looking at rap today, most people associate it with gang violence, rape, murder, disparaging acts towards women, and many other terrible activities that unfortunately happen in America today. In West’s chapter “The Necessary Engagement With Youth Culture” from Democracy Matters, he speaks about the development of the hip hop movement and where it began as well as what it has become. West, in so many words, admits that a lot of today’s rap music is a “full scale mirror of the best and worst, the virtuous and vicious aspects of our society and world.”(10) The rap music today derives from the poor kid, usually a young African American. They try to express struggles that are going on in their own lives, and what they see around them. These kids who are living in poor cities, which West describes as “chocolate cities”, they are mad at society for dealing them the hand that they were dealt. They have expressed themselves through music which has become a cultural phenomenon. Turning to DuBois’ chapter “The Sorrow Songs” in The Souls of Black Folk, his writing about the music from slaves is very similar to the way our Hip Hop and Rap music culture came to arise. Obviously, slaves were slaves, and the people who made Rap music, were free, but only to an extent. The Rap artists today had a struggle just as the slaves had a struggle, and using music…show more content…
DuBois and Cornel West are two very important African American writers. They have shaped the way we look at our society. West will always make more sense to me because he is living in my generation and talking about current things. DuBois has no idea what has really happened with the hip-hop movement, but we can’t take what he was written and compare it to today. Our country has turned into an easily influenced society, and we have sort of fallen away from being a democracy, even though most Americans claim that we still are. Black culture has very much influenced the white culture in America as well, both in good ways and bad ways, while white culture has done the same to black culture. As time goes on, all cultures are going to learn from each other and we will all have our differences, nothing will ever be
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