Hitler's Obsession During The Holocaust

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Hitler’s Obession Holocaust survivor, Giuliana Tedeschi said, “There is a place on earth that is a vast desolate wilderness, a place populated by shadows of the dead in their multitudes, a place where the living are dead, where only death, hate and pain exist.” Concentration camps are camps in which large number of people are kept or arrested. They are usually under terrible conditions and there are no legal norms. The first concentration camp in Germany was established after Adolf Hitler became chancellor in Januray 1933. The Nazis thought they were racially superior than every other ethnic, specially the Jews. Hitler said Jews were a disgrace and a threat to Germany. They were considered a different race for the Nazis and their followers.…show more content…
Hitler had already convinced Germany that Jews were a disgrace. He started the extermination by taking over Poland, a country with over three million Jews. Then, he continued taking over Belgium, Luxemburg, France, and Holland, placing every single Jew under Nazis control. Hitler and his people did not know what to do with the millions of Jews, so he proposed, and executed, the Final Solution. This means, kill them all! What was Hitler’s obsession in killing all those Jews? BIBLIOGRAPHY Alan Rosenberg and Gerald E. Myers, Echoes from the Holocaust: Philosophical reflections on a Dark Time, (Philadelphia:Temple University, 1988) Lucy S. Dawidowicz, The War Against The Jews 1933-1945, 10th Edition, (New York: Bantam Books, 1986) Jacob Glatstein et al. Anthology of Holocaust Literature, College Edition, (Canada: Atheneum, 1976) Nora Levin, The Holocaust: The destruction of European Jewry 1933-1945, (USA: 1968) Marvin Perry et al. Sources of European History since 1900, 2nd Edition, (Boston: Wadsworth, 2011) “Holocaust Encyclopedia” last updated 11 May 2012.
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