How Does Shakespeare Reveal Macbeth's Change From

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Imagine a dark stage in a theatre packed full of people. All of a sudden mysterious lighting and strange sounds rumble from the stage. Thunder claps and lightning. Then three strange creatures appear. They are dressed in tattered clothes and look dirty and scruffy. They are chanting a mysterious spell. This is the opening to Macbeth. Macbeth is a play written by Shakespeare in the 1600's and is set at the beginning of the millennia. The play is about Macbeth who is a brave solider and a patriot but he hears some prophecies. These prophecies cause Macbeth to pursue murderous goals her wouldn't have considered before. Macbeth's wife, Lady Macbeth, is the main fuel behind Macbeth's change. She pushes him into doing things and doesn't seem to have a conscience about what she makes her husband do. Shakespeare liked to use the technique of changing his characters in his plays. All his characters had flaws and what Shakespeare did was explore those flaws and what a character would do if forced into situations. Macbeth's flaw was ambition, his ambition lead him to do terrible things. In the beginning of the play people see Macbeth as loyal to his king and good in battle: “For brave Macbeth – well he deserves that name – Disclaiming fortune, with his brandished steel” This quote shows that Macbeth is a good solider because it says he won the battle by fighting. Shakespeare uses the phrase “Brandished steel” meaning sword, the word “steel” referring to the metal swords are made of. I think this quote has a lot of imagery in it and makes you picture Macbeth ready and waiting, sword in hand, to lead his army into battle. Although nearer the end of the play people loose faith in Macbeth and he doesn't seem so brave or sure of himself: “Bleed, bleed, poor country; Great tyranny, lay thou basis sure” This is said by someone after Macbeth becomes king. The Word “tyranny”
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