How Does Shakespearean Explore the Impact of Revenge in Human Nature? Explore This in Relation to Iago's and Othello's Relationship.

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Shakespeare demonstrates the effects of revenge on human personality in his play Othello. The impact of revenge has very tragic consequences on the characters resulting in the deaths of Othello, Desdemona and Emilia, whereas the main perpetrator, Iago, remains alive. Revenge is the main reason that dominates Iago's character and allows him to manipulate Othello's thoughts and actions. Revenge transforms Iago into a deviously cunning person, who is able to manipulate Othello's weakness of jealousy ultimately leading into the downfall of Othello and destruction of his love for Desdemona. Revenge has been expressed by Shakespeare through the themes of betrayal and jealousy. He explores these themes through two “friends”; Othello and Iago and shows how blindly trusting someone can result in a horrific outcome. Shakespeare tries to convey the message that people should be sceptical of others and not just put their unquestionable belief in apparently good people who are able to hide their corrupt nature even when it is motivated by revenge. The theme of betrayal plays an important role in Othello as it represents a bond of “friendship” broken between Iago and Othello. It is important to understand Iago’s character and motives that he conveys in his soliloquies, in order to truly understand why he betrayed Othello. From the start of the text, we learn Cassio has taken the position of lieutenant under Othello’s command, the position that Iago had lusted for, and it is this concept that drives Iago to destroy Othello; "To get his place and to plume up my will in double knavery. How? How? Let's see. After some time, to abuse Othello's ear that he is too familiar with his wife.” The pun on “double knavery” encompasses Iago’s betrayal of Cassio as well as Othello at the same time. This quote shows Iago’s betrayal because it represents the dramatic irony of the phrase

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