How Far Were the Problems Faced by the Weimar Republic in the Years 1919-1923 Caused by the Treaty of Versailles?

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Political problems such as not everyone agreeing with the idea of the Weimar Constitution and the economical inflation caused by the reparations of the Treaty of Versailles, all resulted in the almost collapse of Germany in the 20th Century. This was just a few of the problems that faced the Weimar Republic, it can be debated whether the Treaty of Versailles is completely to blame for the problems that the Weimar faced between 1919 and 1923. The biggest political effect is the Weimar constitution as the Republic had problems with political extremism, and some people believed that democracy weakened Germany. The most extreme political groups were the communists on the left wing, and the fascists such as the Nazis were on the right wing. They believed in completely opposite beliefs, for example the left wing believed in change, whereas the right wing completely opposed change. The Weimar Republic came under attack from both groups, with the left wing creating the Spartacist Uprising in 1919 and the right wing creating the Kapp Putsch in 1920 and Munich Putsch in 1923. The Spartacist Uprising was led by Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, their aim was to overthrow the government. Dr Wolfgang Kapp led the Kapp Putsch and they also wanted to overthrow the government and bring back the Kaiser. However it can be argued that this was not caused by the treaty, as the new government was not always approved of by German citizens. The new Weimar government was disliked by public because they were not used to having a democratic system and no monarch. Furthermore this caused the general public to doubt the government and turn to political extreme parties. However the rises of these extreme parties are blamed on the Treaty of Versailles as the treaty is seen as a trigger to the development in the new political views. Therefore it can be seen that the treaty of Versailles was
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