How Is Conflict Presented in the Poems Futility and the Charge of the Light Brigade?

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How is conflict presented in the poems Futility and The Charge of the Light Brigade? The title of Wilfred Owen’s ‘Futility’ captures the dominant sense of uselessness and helplessness in relation to conflict, felt by the soldiers in the face of their comrade’s recent death. The poem focuses on the effect of conflict and is focused on an injured, probably dead soldier. Owen uses this soldier to question to point of life being created it can be destroyed so easily. In contrast Tennyson’s Charge depicts a disastrous battle during the Crimean War and therefore shows the disbelief and horror of conflict. Tennyson uses the poem to show the admiration and bravery of the solders in their determination to obey orders even though the orders were foolish. Futility could be considered as an elegy for the unnamed solider and opens with a tender and sad tone shifting to pointlessness in the second stanza. The use of the pronoun ‘him’ in the opening line suggests this could be any soldier from World War I demonstrating the number of men who would remain unnamed and unclaimed during this conflict. On the contrary Charge is patriotic with Tennyson celebrating the courage and obedience of the soldiers – this can be seen in his use of ‘glory, honour/noble’. This positive representation of conflict could be linked to Tennyson’s role of Poet Laureate under Queen Victoria’s reign. Futility mimics a sonnet but the form is disrupted as Owen splits the poem in to two seven-line stanzas. As a sonnet is traditionally associated with love, Owen could be suggesting that the effectively with conflict their can be no love. An alternative interpretation could be that Owen uses the structure to show how conflict has cut short the life of the soldier – in the middle of his life. Charge comprises of six stanzas, varying in length from six to twelve lines and offers a chronological narrative. This
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