how the mountains drip with sunset analysis

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In ‘How the Mountains drip with Sunset’ Dickenson gives an amazed commentary of the vivid splendour of the process of a sunset. Explore the means by which she communicates this in her poem. Dickenson’s poem ‘How the old Mountains drip with sunset’ gives a personal response to the beauty, grandeur and overwhelming nature of sunset. She communicates her utter amazement to the reader, using beautiful language, description, not always conventional or expected, as with the grammar used, leaving the reader helpless but to share the sense of admiration and awe that Dickenson so clearly feels throughout. Beginning the poem with the word ‘How’ as exclamation, rather than the introduction to a question starts the poem with a strong sense of admiration. Dickenson begins to show the reader the extent of her amazement with the splendour of the sunset as the exclamation of ‘How’, which is repeated at the start of the following two lines, gives a sense of speechlessness and spontaneity as she describes the dynamic nature of sunset. The use of ‘How’ also shows the reader that the response is un-premeditated and her response is of real, genuine emotion that can only flood through by means of exclamation. ‘How’ also gives a sense of spontaneous observation rather than detailed analysis of a scene allowing the speaker to simply tell of what she is seeing rather than through any over-embellished description. Throughout the poem Dickenson uses rather unusual description, perhaps personal to herself for example describing the sun as ‘Wizard Sun’. This particular description brings an idea of magic and sorcery to the poem, communicating to the reader that the sunset not only is beautiful but is magical; perhaps meaning it is so amazing it must have magical power. This shows the reader the extent to which the speaker is awe-stricken by the process of sunset. Furthermore, the use of

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