How the Use of Fossil Fuels Change the Environment

549 Words3 Pages
How the Use of Fossil Fuels Change the Environment Fossil fuels are fuels formed by natural processes such as the decomposition of buried dead organisms exposed to heat and pressure in the Earth's crust over millions of years, sometimes exceeding 650 million years. The use of fossil fuels includes fuel for power plants, vehicle engines, heating, etc. However, it cannot be used directly in its raw form. It has to be burned or combusted in order to take effect, which is to produce energy. Unfortunately, the activity of burning or combusting fossil fuels releases various kinds of hazardous substances and pollutants which eventually leads to changes in the environment; such as climate change, global warming, and changes in environmental health. Let us start with the change in climate or climate change. For over the past 150 years, the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil have caused the concentrations of heat-trapping "greenhouse gases" to increase significantly in our atmosphere. These gases prevent heat from escaping to space, somewhat like the glass panels of a greenhouse. It would change our climate, but it would not bring us close to the level of uninhabitable Venus. A doubling in CO2 levels would make agriculture much more difficult due to shifts in climate that occur as a result of increasing temperature. CO2 can indeed cause a significant degree of warming if it is suddenly released into the atmosphere, as we have been doing for the past 150 years. Aside from that, increasing temperature can also cause the rising of sea level as the glaciers are going to melt at a faster rate like never before. Next, is the change in environmental health. In the past, there is no such thing as health problems caused by the burning of fossil fuels. Nowadays, there are a lot of them. Clean air is essential to life and good health. Several
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