How to Tell a True War Story

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Jennifer Conwell Essay 2 May 10, 2012 The short story “How to Tell a True War Story” by Tim O’Brien takes place during the Vietnam War in the late 1960’s. It is written from a first person point of view style and narrated by a character given the same name as the author himself. The way this story is written makes it confusing at times for the reader to distinguish what is a true was story and what is not. There are two recurring characters that are mentioned throughout this story. Those characters are Curt Lemon and Rat Kiley. The narrator starts the story by making the statement, “This is true.” These three simple words lead the reader to believe that what he is about to say is actually a true story and not fabricated in any way. Rat Kiley is the first character to tell his story. Rat and Curt were best friends. Both were young kids that looked at their missions as just an ordinary hike in the woods. They were always goofing around and didn’t take the situation seriously. One day, while messing around and not being aware of their surroundings, Curt stepped on a landmine and was blown into pieces in front of the entire platoon. Rat writes what he feels is a personal letter to Curt Lemon’s sister explaining how close of friends they were and informed her of his death. Rat becomes angered when he doesn’t receive a response from the sister. These two events later lead to Rat torturing and killing a baby water buffalo. This is showing the reader how some react to the horrible situations they are witness to while at war. The next story seems to be told from O’Brien’s memory of that same day. He walks you through the mission, pulling the reader right into the scenery of the day. He states that he “remembers the trees, the smell of the moss”. He then goes on to describe his memory of Lemon’s death. He writes, “His face was suddenly brown and

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