Huckleberry Finn: Journey Of Maturing Along The River

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Mrs. Adam Eng. Reading 3 - 1 Nov 9, 2011 Journey of Maturing Along the River Mark Twain’s “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” shows the journey of a thirteen years’ old boy becomes a mature young man. The novel begins with the main character, Huck, who is thirteen or fourteen years old, son of a local drunk man in the town of St. Petersburg, Missouri. Through Huck’s journey, he has been influenced by many people. At the first part of the book, Huck is taken cared of by Widow Douglas. Widow Douglas is a very nice lady in the town, she try to “civilize” Huck by teaching him what is the right thing to do, giving him new formal clothes, and sending him to school. “The Widow Douglas, she took me for her son, and…show more content…
He is frequent acts of selflessness, and to Huck, he is more like a father than a friend. When the time he was caught and sent to the jail, Huck decided to against the society to help Jim to escape. For helping him, Huck has to choose from what is right to do, and what is good for his friend. “Alright, then, I’ll go to hell” (193). Jim teaches Huck how to make right decisions, how to treat people equally no matter what race they are, and the love of friendship. While Jim was in the jail, Huck met his best friend Tom. Tom is everything that Huck is not. Tom’s stubborn reliance on the “authorities” of romance novels leads him to acts of incredible stupidity and startling cruelty. While find out a way to save Jim, Huck met Tom, he became just like Tom, and he would do whatever Tom tells him to do to avoid trouble. “Now, there’s sense in that’… So I’ll mosey along now, and smouch a couple of case-knives.” (220). It was an easy thing to do but Tom made it very complicate, only for satisfy his willing of adventures. And, Huck was just followed him and forgot all he had learned from Jim. It took much longer to get Jim out and Jim was hurt badly by…show more content…
The men, clearly con artists, claim to be a displaced English duke (the duke) and the long-lost heir to the French throne. At first Huck doesn’t want to debunk them when they scam money from people, because he has been threaten that if he tell people king and duck are frauds, they will turn Jim in, Huck does not want any trouble, so he keep silent until he sees that these two frauds try to take advantage of a dead man and his three innocent daughter, he decides to tell the girl the truth for the first time in his life. This event affects him very much , because by doing what he think is the right thing to do, he get satisfied. Even when he see king and duke are furthered he feel sad about them, it is still good for him because he did helped those
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