i Stand Here Writing

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“I Stand Here Writing” In the essay “I Stand Here Writing”, Nancy Sommers uses her personal experiences in her life to express different opinions. While in her kitchen cooking, she reflects on different occurrences happening in different periods of her life. Sommer expresses herself about how she went through her life trying to understand the meaning of certain words and events that took place in her life. Sommers is also a teacher herself who is trying to learn. Firstly, Sommers stated how she tries to teach her daughters to be optimistic. Secondly, Sommers stated of how she wants the students to use themselves as sources.” Finally, at the end of the essay Sommers writes, "Having the courage to live with uncertainty, ambiguity, even doubt, we can walk into all of those fields of writing.” Sommers stated how she tries to teach her daughter to be optimistic. The writer states that,”Despite the sheer facts of her life, despite the accumulation of grim knowable data,” her mother was optimistic. Sommers tell the reader of how her family fled from Germany when she was thirteen and how her grandparents were killed by Nazis. Sommers is trying to teach her daughters that there is more out there and that they can be optimistic, despite what may be going on in our lives. I agree with the writer because I believe that as long as you have life there is hope. Sommers wanted to teach her daughter that they can use their mother and grandparents as examples to better themselves and learn from it all. “To learn a personal eloquence I could never learn at home”. The writer was not able to learn how to speak articulacy because she had inherited a language from her parents. By the writers essay on how she freed herself from her mother tongue, she did not rely on her mother’s good luck charms or lucky clovers; it was by having a positive attitude. The writer expresses in her

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