Iago Research Paper

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Critics Explanations Behind Iago’s Behavior and Motivation Sometimes readers are unsure why characters act, say, or do things. Iago, from Shakespeare’s Othello, is known to be one of the most notorious and mysterious villains of all time. In Shakespeare’s Othello, tragedy strikes when Iago is denied the position of lieutenancy. From that point on, Iago plots his revenge on the Moor. He does whatever he has too, to get his revenge including manipulation, deception, and even, death. No one truly understands why Iago did what did in Shakespeare’s Othello; Shakespeare left it up to the reader to figure out and piece it together. Even though Shakespeare doesn’t explain furthermore of why Iago did what he did, many different critics have found explanations behind Iago’s behavior and motives in Shakespeare’s Othello. To begin, D.R. Godfrey discusses that Iago has jealousy towards any kind of love and happiness. Godfrey’s first point he makes is that Iago knows that jealousy will ruin Othello. He knows that with jealousy, comes irrationality. This irrationality controls and takes over its victim, consuming their thoughts and clouding their judgment of rationality. This is exactly what Iago wants to happen to the Othello. He realizes jealousy is the key to destroying him. To awaken this jealousy in Othello, Iago first warns him of it (Godfrey 1). Iago says to Othello, “it is the green eyed monster which doth mock that meat is fed on” (3, 3, 196-197). Granted that Iago is just simply warning Othello of what jealousy will do to someone; we must take into consideration that for Iago to give this advice, he must have some experience in jealousy. Could it possibly be that Iago, himself, has let jealousy control his life? If so, his “so called” jealousy could be towards Othello or someone else. When Emilia is talking to Desdemona she brings up jealousy. Emilia says to
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