Immigration in the late 1800's

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The massive number of European immigrants that entered into America’s east coast from the late 1800’s and on forever influenced the growth and development of the country. Fleeing crop failure, famine, rising taxes, and land/job shortages, many immigrants journeyed to the United States because it was perceived as the land of economic opportunity. With hope for a brighter future, nearly 27 million immigrants arrived in the United States between 1880 and 1920. The majority of the immigrants entered through Ellis Island, leading it to become the gateway to America and become recognized as a national symbol. Many of the immigrants, not knowing the way America worked, didn’t stray too far from the East Coast and moved into areas filled with people of similar languages, traditions, and beliefs. When they did interact with American citizens the immigrants were typically assaulted verbally and had to deal with many instances of discrimination. However, ward and city bosses realized their importance and began recruiting them fresh off of the boats trying to gain they’re political votes. This tactic began to affect the political scene of the major American cities as whoever gained the most immigrant votes began to gain control. The substantial increase in population due to immigration that occurs during this time goes on to affect the nation in positive and negative ways. Some of the adverse affects of such a rapid growth in population were overcrowding in cities, lack of jobs, and occasional food shortages. But the hard working spirit and work ethic that the immigrants brought, along with a determined will to succeed, were an overarching positive were crucial to the country becoming what it is today. In the late 1800s, people in many parts of the world decided to leave their homes and emigrate to the United States. Immigrants entered into the United States through several
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