“In what Context do Emotion and Reason Conflict?”

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“In what Context do Emotion and Reason Conflict?” Knowledge can not only be gained by one way of knowing, because not only that answer would be biased, it may as well be not true, this simply is because there exist certain conditions in which one view or perspective of the case is not enough. Such situations are mostly decision making. Now the question is, whether an individual would choose a more reasonable choice that would benefit the most, or choose a more comfortable choice that is a satisfaction to the hearts content. Emotion and Reasoning are both considered as ways of knowing, however like any other ways of knowing they cannot exist alone and therefore they do have flaws. These flaws are usually associated with the fact that they are unable to fulfil the need to gain the answer since they may be biased, however even when these two ways of knowing are put together, they may contradict each other, or do not share the same view on the same exact case, this is what is considered as the conflict. In order to understand and find the answer to the question, the question must be clearly defined, in terms of emotion and reason as well as the idea of the conflict. Emotion is defined as any strong agitation of the feelings actuated by experiencing love, hate, fear, etc., and usually accompanied by certain physiological changes, as increased heartbeat or respiration, and often overt manifestation, as crying or shaking. Simply, emotion is the representation of one's mind when it comes to decision making or confronted with any other serious situation, and it occurs whether the individual consciously or subconsciously aware of it. Such example would be when one feels angered by the fact that the two choices given are not the choices that one desires or when confronted with an insulting joke, one would laugh at the joke, but disgusted or angered by the insult.

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