Informative Speech On Atherosclerosis

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The Heart Narrative By: Rebecca Abell SLIDE ONE Hello everyone I am here to talk to you about the heart and what happens to it with just regular ageing. A person does not have to have heart disease for the normal ageing process to affect the heart. Just like other organs in our body they change as we age that does not mean that they are all bad. A change can be good or bad there are several facts that play in to how we age. SLIDE TWO For every ten years of age your heart naturally slows down. The heart will fill up with blood slower and pump slower. Your heart has to adjust to these affects as you age which makes you have to watch your health. To maintain the healthiest heart you can there are certain things that you need to be doing.…show more content…
Atherosclerosis can be caused by several things in our lifestyle and diets. The lifestyles we choose to live affect the heart and this is the worst one smoking cigarettes. The majority I am going to discuss are diet or health decisions obesity, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. These issues are all caused by a poor diet and not eating the right things. There is one that you have no control over and that is family history or what is already in your dna. SLIDE SIX Atherosclerosis can affect any artery within the body so I am going to cover them in section and explain what the symptoms of each are. The first one I am going to discuss is the coronary arteries which are the ones pertaining to the heart. You may not have any symptoms until it progresses to a severe problem. The symptoms of atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries are shortness of breath, chest pain, increased heart rate, sleep problems, fatigue or tiredness, and lack of energy. So if you are experiencing any of these symptoms you need to talk to your doctor. SLIDE…show more content…
I know it is not an easy thing to do but you can benefit from this which is living a longer life to being stronger. Your diet should be containing more of these items whole grains, olive oil, vegetables, fish, and fruits. So incorporate these items in your diet for a healthy heart and better functioning body. If you don’t care about yourself no one else will so take pride in yourself so you can live. SLIDE FIFTEEN To sum up for you what I have discussed which can be a scary thing to deal with especially in our older years. There are a lot of bad things that people deal with when it comes to the heart but we do some of the stuff to ourselves. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet to keep your hearts in the best shape it can be in. Know ageing does affect our heart without the bad choices that make it worse. So see your doctor for regular check-ups, eat healthy, exercise, and do not smoke, also limit your alcohol intake. I hope my information helped you and did not scare you to death about your heart or

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