Is Cloning Ethical

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Arbuckle 1 Is cloning Ethical My inspiration for writing this paper came from the argumentative essay “Should Batman kill the Joker?.” It is an essay about controversial topics and people’s ethics. It made me think of the topic of human cloning, maybe the most controversial topic out there. There are so many factors that play into why cloning is or isn’t ethical and should or shouldn’t be done. It also raises the question that people have been debating for years, should people be cloned? To base an opinion I feel you should really know some facts about the matter, such as there are different types of cloning. Not all cloning is used for the creation of a genetic twin of another organism. The three types of cloning are DNA cloning, Reproductive cloning, and Therapeutic cloning. DNA cloning is the replication of a specific fragment of interest from an organism for the sole purpose of scientists being able to study and learn more about it. Reproductive cloning is used to create an animal with the same nuclear DNA as another animal or previously existing animal. Therapeutic Cloning also known as “embryo cloning” is the production of human embryos for use in research. The point of this is not to create cloned human beings but to gather stem cells for the study of human development and to treat disease. I agree that cloning can positively contribute to our ecosystem, a point that needs emphasizing since so many people still believe cloning is unethical. We can use cloning to save Arbuckle 2 endangered animals from distinction by repopulating the species or to more quickly breed animals that are difficult to breed. Could you imagine A life where there were no whales, pandas or many other animals currently endangered? Well with cloning you wouldn’t have to, it could insure the future generations of all animals. There has already been
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