Is It Ok To Spank Research Paper

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O'Callaghan, Kitty. "Is It Okay to Spank?" N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2013. . This article states that most mothers think that it is okay to spank your children. They do not abuse their children but if their child has something wrong they think that it is okay to spank them so that they learn their lesson and do not make the same mistake again. People who have low income are more likely to spank their children than a wealthy family. Depending on the location the idea of spanking your children varies. African American mothers spank thier children more than any other ethnicity. This article will be very useful for my research paper because it tell me what groups of people are more likely to spank their children. Zeidler, Sari. "To Spank or Not to Spank, Where Do You Draw the Line?" CNN. N.p., 6 July 2012. Web. 29 Jan. 2013. .…show more content…
The article also states that some children need spanked to learn that bad behavior has consequences. Some people think that it is okay to spank your children at a younger age so that they do not get into the habit of doing had things as they get older. I will use this article in my research to show that parents have different views on spanking. Park, Alice. "The Long-Term Effects of Spanking." Editorial. Time. Time, 3 May 2010. Web. 31 Jan. 2013. . This article states that spanking your child may affect them later in life. The children may act out in the long run. There was a study done on 2,500 children that have been spanked at the age of three. The results show that the children tend to be more aggressive at the age of five. In my research paper I am going to use how spanking can affect a

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