Is The Crucible Fact Or Fiction

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Robin Baker Lee American Literature 10 November 2011 The Crucible: Fact or Fiction? Fact or Fiction? Realistic or exaggerated? What exactly is The Crucible? Arthur Miller’s The Crucible is a historical fiction play about one of the biggest events to ever take place in Massachusetts: the Salem Witch Trials. Arthur Miller’s main reason for writing The Crucible was to ridicule the era of McCarthyism, which was when there was a ‘witch hunt’ for communists. During this period, Miller was accused of witchcraft. Knowing that the McCarthy Witch Trials were based entirely on fiction, not factual evidence, Miller wrote the play to parody the McCarthy Era; however, he still wanted his play to be a success (“The Crucible”- Drama for Students). In…show more content…
According to the play, Tituba leads six girls into a nearby forest to cast charms and spells, followed by a wild dancing ritual. According to Abigail Williams, “We danced. And Tituba conjured Ruth Putnam’s dead sisters” (Miller 1097). When Tituba began chanting charms and spells, several girls, including Elizabeth Paris, felt that they were doing something wrong. Soon after this event in the woods, the adults began to notice the girls exhibiting strange behavior. They seemed nervous, they cried easily, and they were prone to nightmares. The first girl to be affected in the play is Ruth Putnam (Women in World History). In actuality, Betty Parris and Abigail Williams were the first two girls to be affected. As a result of Betty’s illness, Tituba was asked to bake a “witchcake” in order to figure out what was causing Betty Parris to have these strange symptoms. She was later accused of witchcraft by Betty and…show more content…
Abigail William’s age was changed from eleven to seventeen and Proctor’s age was changed so that this love affair could happen. Although John did not truly love Abigail, this added affair made the play more appealing. In order to write The Crucible, Miller added the conjuring in the woods with Ruth and Tituba. Overall, the Crucible is a historical fiction play that can be read for not only entertainment, but also for historical information (“The Crucible”- Literature and Its

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