Jay Gatsby: The Great Tragic Hero

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The Great Tragic Hero Gazing upon a lifeless pale body with the musky thick warm air blowing over a stone tomb, Shakespeare’s Romeo reaches for the vial of poison. The quivering breathless Romeo frantically ponders the decision of life without his Juliet, or life with her in the afterlife. The cork of the vial pops as the wood is removed from the glass container. The life giving potion rolls down the throat of a heart-broken prince, taking away the last beat of his severed heart. Shakespeare uses the noble prince, Romeo, as a tragic hero in his play by ending Romeo’s life of prosperity and nobility. The great potential of this young noble shapes the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. In the novel, Gatsby, like Romeo, performs the task of a tragic hero, one who possesses nobility, large potential and a fatal flaw. Jay Gatsby turns his life into that of the American dream. For example Jay begins his life as a poor innocent boy constantly overcoming obstacles in his life such as fighting in the first Great War and losing his love Daisy, yet he pursues his journey to wealth and a celebrity life. Gatsby personifies the ideal tragic hero when Gatsby’s potential ceases as his fatal flaw kills him…show more content…
Being blind or ignorant does not look important until compared or viewed from the tragic view. From the tragic paradigm, Gatsby’s ignorance is not only apparent but crucial in that it shapes the tragedy of the novel. At the end of the novel, his decision to shun the truth and overlook his imminent demise serves as the climax of the tragedy. Also by examining the novel as a tragedy, the reader gains the ability to see that the death of Gatsby was ultimately done by his own hand. In conclusion, the novel, The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby loses his celebrity life to his own doings shaping the novel into a

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