Julius Caesar Tragic Flaw

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Nobody’s perfect, everybody has his or her own characteristics consisting of both strengths and weakness which are apparent in their lifetime. Sometimes, a certain characteristic can be so harmful that it leads a person to their downfall. This powerful detriment is called tragic flaw and people with one may not even realize what theirs is. In the tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, tragic flaw is a recurring element that is present in the story and leads it to the end. The characters of Julius Caesar, Brutus, and Cassius all had a tragic flaw that played a role in their deaths. Caesar show’s his tragic flaw during the first half of the play. He had an ego about him and it showed through his actions and words. He felt like he was a colossus who was invulnerable to any harm or attack. Caesar had been given three warnings of his death and to each one he turned his back to in ignorance and negligence. Caesar shall forth. The things that threatened me Ne'er looked but on my back. When they shall see The face of Caesar, they are vanishèd. (II.ii.10-12) Caesar is showing his prideful and egotistic side. Even though his own wife, Calphurnia, begged him not to leave the house that day because of a dream she had where the citizens of Rome were bathing in a fountain of Caesar’s blood, Caesar thought that whatever was threatening him was underestimating him and that once he showed up the threat would run away from the “all mighty” Caesar. Later that day, Caesar was murdered in cold blood. Stabbed in the back then stabbed again multiple times in a very grotesque manor by a group of conspirators who believed that his ego would get the best of him when crowned king of Rome. They believed Caesar would’ve become corrupt with power and turn into a tyrant. Caesar’s should’ve listened to the warnings. Brutus always
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