Juveniles Should Be Tried As Adults

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Daniel kongou April 6, 2012 Juvenile’s justice Juveniles Should Be Treated As Adult Professor RAMSEY Juvenile’s delinquency has become a major problem for law enforcement and for the community. Nowhere seems to be safe nowadays because kids want to act like adult and want to take control in any situation especially when it goes to their benefits. They want to have the power and the respect by becoming gang members. They commit criminal act in the community and are not afraid of the consequences. They do not have or take the time to learn about life and what is good for them. These teenagers need to change their life around and they need to understand that there is something called “law” that needs to be respected and follow or there could be serious consequences. “The wrongdoing among children has become so outrageous and such a frequent factor in day-to-day news , not only in the United States but also in nearly all parts of the globe, that some people have reached a state of alarm that makes them think the word “juvenile” is inseparably joined to the word “delinquent” (Roucek 1961). A juvenile treated as an adult has never been a bad idea.…show more content…
While in jail the juveniles will not have anything less different than the adults. The treatment is the same for everyone and that is very troubling for the kids. They get frustrated and wish they never get there at the first place. Probation has always cut it for these juveniles but not this time. They should be apprehended, judged in front of a jury and pay for their crime as much as any adult would have. This is real and not anything like what they watch on television or what they play in video games. I believe a juvenile treated as adults is one of the best ways to reduce the crime rate in our

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