Ken Grimwood's Replay

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The book “Replay” By Ken Grimwood is about a guy named Jeff Winston who dies and wakes up in 1988 in his college dorm. He then suddenly finds out he is reliving his college life over and over again. Trying to find a way to why he is reliving his life he manages to meet knew people including a girl named Pamela who is also reliving her life, a betting partner named Frank Maddock and many more. He also discovers new places, different perspectives of himself and how it affects the future. The past is essential to who we are in the present because of the people we associate with, our mistakes and what we know about the future. The past is essential to who we are in the future is because of the people who we associate with. The people we connect…show more content…
If he hadn’t met her, got to know her and be close friends with her he wouldn’t have found out about the other “replayers.” He also wouldn’t learn about other things that Pamela had taught or talked about such as kids, movies and how long they would replay until the next replay. Therefore, the past is essential to who we are because of the people we associate with. The second reason of why the past is essential to who we are in the future is because of our mistakes. In the novel, Jeff and Pamela the “replayers” searched diligently for other replayer’s. When they finally find’s another “replayer” they contact him and make arrangements to meet. He then tells a weird story about why he replays and his thoughts about other “replayers.” In the end Jeff wished that they never met the guy because now that he met him he thinks and sees things differently. Another reason is because of the mistake he made about wanting to invest in businesses and bet on races to get rich. In the novel Jeff owns a million dollar company and win some bets but then he realize that money can’t buy everything in the world and it can’t buy his

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