Kudler Fine Food

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Personal Values Personal values are priorities or belief that will help individual to make decisions in one’s life. Values differ from person to person, what is a value of priority may not be the same for the other person. Ethics are the code of conduct, or a behavior of an individual accepted by the society. Values drive the ethical behavior of a person. The William institute Ethics Awareness Inventory self-assessment has aptly said, the tests is more to know what my personal values are. Personal values are the definition of how one think, about respecting the individuals and as well for the goodness of the society. Kudler Fine Food (KFF) is a fine gourmet food and grocery store. which has been started by Kathy who wanted to full-fill her…show more content…
I believe that ethical conduct appeals to “conscience”. In judging whether a person’s actions are ethical, I look to the intent behind his actions, rather than focusing on results. In other words, to consider ethical I believe that we must choose how we act and what rules we are willing to follow. From my perspective, ethical principles must be (a) appropriate under any circumstances; (b) respectable of human dignity; (c) committed to promoting individual freedom and autonomy. I do not consider human beings treated as “means” to the accomplishment of some defined “end”. The end does not justify the means. My approach to ethics requires that within legal and human limits, people must be free to make their own choices. I believe that fostering personal growth take precedence over achieving efficiency through organizational and social structures that tend to dehumanize ethical decision-making. For this reason, you advocate policies intended to ensure equal respect and opportunities for all. Moral decisions must reflect the free choice of individuals if we ever expect to hold them personally responsible. I like to guide by a desire to be in accord with established standards of right and…show more content…
I feel the fundamental rule to establish and advance in a self-owned/motivated business is to have passion, desire, belief, and knowledge of the business. The outcome of Kathy’s business is her natural vision, creativity, and unique innovation of gourmet fine food and products, which she wanted to serve people, as well provide all the gourmet food needs at one-stop shop rather than having the customers to trip at several stores for culinary needs. This shows her moral responsibility to serve people under one roof. Her approach is close with my thinking of guiding by desire in accord with standards of right and
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