Laws Governing the Use of Force.

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Police brutality, where does it happen, why does it happen and how does it happen? Well these are some of the questions you can ask yourself. Most of the time police officers are trying to enforce the laws of the land. But we typically have those who do not want to follow the rules and therefore police are forced with using excessive force in some of their situations. But the use of force can be questioned in many ways. The 4th Amendment forbids “unreasonable search and seizures”, with a “seizure” being the use of unreasonable force. Then with the offender often being arrested and incarcerated they have the 8th amendment that protects them from cruel and unusual punishment. But should someone be accustomed to being assaulted by a police officer just because? No. But this does not stop people from doing what they feel is necessary and breaking the laws. What type of person commits police brutality and why does it happen? Well, police brutality is done by a few rogue cops or bad apples. Or it can be police officers whom like to inflict pain to those because of their feelings on the issue. This happens because there is no order in some of the departments. At least that is what I believe. “Police work is likely to attract at least some individuals who enjoy bullying others or join the force with the intention of exploiting special opportunities to enrich them”. Officers are also very likely to internalize powerful sub cultural norms, a main one being loyalty to other officers. There is also a lack of procedure for handling excessive force complaints against officers. The need to use force is one of the most demanding and critical decisions that a law enforcement officer must make. They may include other “non-deadly” protective instruments, like expendable batons, OC sprays, and flashlights, or any other means that can be used by an officer. With the media and

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