Like Water For Chocolate Research Paper

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Saskieya Anderson April 16, 2012 Honors English III Period 9 Allowance Should Be Earned There are many books about parenting in the world but there is not a step by step rule book to parenting. Good parents discipline and teach their children to be prepared for the real world by encouraging a positive mentality, physical, spiritual and financial strength to succeed. Some parents feel that rewarding their children by gift giving or financial allowances further encourages them to understand how the real world works with the concept that through doing work or good deeds you earn a reward while others believe that an allowance should be given regardless of a child’s behavior. Despite the fact that giving children…show more content…
The book follows the story of a young girl named Tita who longs her entire life to marry her lover, Pedro, but can never have him because of her mother's upholding of the family tradition of the youngest daughter not marrying but taking care of her mother until the day she dies. Tita is only able to express herself when she cooks. I enjoyed this book because it taught me a lot about how one’s traditions can affect your life. This book goes against some beliefs that many people have because “Like Water for Chocolate” is a fiction book, it is believed fiction books cannot teach anything useful. But the lessons I learned are applicable to life and have also provided…show more content…
I firmly believe fiction books can not only teach useful things but they also can engender innovations. The lessons found in Like Water for Chocolate are diverse from cooking in the kitchen to understanding life. The book Like Water for Chocolate is a book anyone can relate to, because of the situations entailed. Whenever a lesson is learned, it’s good to apply it so you do not forget it. Especially if something inspires you, it is less likely to be forgotten. The lessons are intertwined, within a year, the story unfolds, and you gain
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