Literary Analysis on Robert Frost

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Life is full of decisions waiting to be made. Some will affect our life in one way or another. The poem, “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost tells a story of a hiker who reaches a break in the path and must choose which path to take, each path different from the other. In this poem, Robert Frost explains that every decision we make, will have an impact on our life. Robert Frost uses a stroll in the woods as a explanation for making a decision in life, a situation that people face every day. “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood.” Each road starts from the same place, but end differently and the traveler has no idea where those may be. Not sure which path to choose, he compares the two roads, much like we do when picking a choice. Many times, we tend to choose the easier way. The path that is traveled more often has a pretty clear outcome that keeps us inside our best state of mind, even though it may not be the best choice. In his explanation of the two roads, Frost shows us the importance of making a decision and how it could affect us later on in life. By viewing the two roads, the traveler finally makes up his mind, choosing the road that is more beautiful and less traveled. The traveler took the plunge, taking the road that had not been used as often as the other. Aware of how “way leads onto way” the traveler dislikes that he cannot take both roads. Although he knows that he may never be allowed to travel the other path, he continues on into the better path. Imagine every choice in life like the forked roads in a forest, it gives us a more clear idea of how one decision leads to another and how this choice can either take us deeper into the woods or guide us to safety. Through this, Robert Frost shows us what happens making a choice that we will have to live with for the rest of our life. The poem ends in an almost regretful tone as the traveler looks back at
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