Literary Devices In Lord Of The Flies Essay

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Lord of the flies: Section 1 Literary Devices: Symbolism Plane crash: symbolizes failure or breakdown of society in the world outside Piggy’s eyeglasses: symbolize insight , wisdom, and knowledge Signal fire: symbolizes hope Metaphors “ with the running of the blood , Simon’s fit passed into the weariness of sleep. “ the usual brightness was gone from his eyes and he walked with a sort of glum determination like an old man. “ power lay in the swell of his forearms; authority sat on his shoulder and chattered In his ear like an ape. Simile “ the boys lay painting like dogs”. “ one patch touched a tree trunk and scrambled like a bright squirrel”. “ flames, as though they a kind of wildlife that crept as a jaguar…show more content…
Roger throwing the stones at Henry is a foreshadow of him launching the boulder at piggy. The out of control fir on the mountain in chapter 2 foreshadows the entire island burning when the fire gets out of control in chapter 12. Personification “ the heat hit him” p. 10. - “ sleep enveloped him like the swathing mirages that were wrestling with the brilliance of the lagoon P. 14. “ Creepers shivered p. 86 Irony Verbal irony- in lord of the flies when piggy says “ acting like a crowd of kids”! its ironic because they are a crowd of kids. Dramatic irony- when everyone thinks there is a beast, but we know that its just a dead man attached to a parachute. Situational irony- happens at the end when the fire jack set on the island that is meant to smoke out Ralph got the rescued. Hyperbole “ in a year or two when the war’s over , they’ll be traveling to mars and back”. “ we’ve got to make smoke up there or die”. The rock was as large as a small motor car. Lord of the flies: section 2 Plot
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