Macbeth Evil Quotes

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Taylor Hall English 4 Mr. Sinning 7 March 2011 When thinking of a tragic hero one may think of a person who performs noble deeds on a day to day basis then these deeds lead to their eternal downfall. Macbeth is in fact the exact opposite of this; He does many horrible and extremely wrong things that lead to his downfall. All of these horrible crimes that Macbeth performs are for only his well being at the end of the day. He knows that these actions will have consequences and that they are indeed wrong to do but he continues to do them anyways. He commits these several crimes in order to make his way up to the top of the podium but he is a tyrant who lacks the true skills needed to lead the people of England. In William Shakespeare’s…show more content…
To begin, Macbeth is viewed as a brave and fearless man with very good military standing he is also viewed as a good leader. Macbeth is a good man at this point in the play but due to some prophecies that are made by, some crazy witches; he starts to betray his closest friends. Macbeth begins to plot against King Duncan, the man who just named him Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth realizes the costliness of killing the king and how his actions may damn him forever. Macbeth tells his wife, Lady Macbeth, That he cannot go through with it and she begins to question him, “When you durst do it, then you were a man; And, to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man” (Shakespeare I.VII. 55-57). Lady Macbeth begins to question Macbeth’s manhood saying that if he goes through with this then he is truly a fearless man but if he backs out then he is not a man. Lady Macbeth continues to egg him on by questioning his manhood which is something a woman should never do to a man. Macbeth becomes very deceitful once he hears of the prophecies. He plots against Duncan, Banquo, Fleance, and even against the rest of…show more content…
In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the main character initially demonstrates qualities of being a tragic hero, but by conclusion of the play his deceitfulness and his overwhelming gullibility lead him to be portrayed as a criminal. Macbeth has serious issues with power, greed, and even his own self- esteem and self- conscious. He knows when he kills Duncan and Banquo that it is the wrong thing to do but he still does it anyways. He also becomes obsessed with idea of power and becomes more power hungry as each day passes. He has become an unstoppable killing machine who believes he is invincible once the three witches reveal their prophecies and their apparitions to Macbeth. These are all qualities of a criminal, Macbeth knows what he is doing but he continues to do it without regard for any other person at all, this is a classic demonstration of a psychotic criminal. Being the criminal that he is and performing the unlawful actions that he performed were undeniably the cause for the downfall and eventual death of this Shakespearean Tragic
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