Medical Assistant Essay

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Administrative Medical Assistants helps a physician perform administrative duties by handling basic clinical tasks. They work in doctors’ offices, hospital, and medical clinic helping to keep operations running smoothly and efficiently. The job description of a medical assistant varies from office to office. Some assistants do patient and lab work exclusively. Others are responsible for medical records, bookkeeping and answering phones. In most small offices medical assistants may handle all these tasks. Some of the personal skills that a good AMA needs to have are people skills, planning activities, and typing. An AMA people skills really needs to be on point because you have to deal with patients on a daily basis. So being able to communicate with your patient can make their visit easier and you can be done in that time during the appointment. There will be times that you will have that one patient who calls the office upset and take their anger out on you. But being an AMA you must know how to communicate with the patient. In a situation like this one knowing how to communicate with an angry patient can help calm them down and make the situation better, the reason why planning activities within the medical office is important because the AMA performs errands which are related to the healthcare industry and general administrative duties. If you don’t know how to speak to the patient it will make them feel as if they are not being heard. Which is not good for the physicians business as well as your position. Medical Assistants should respect their patients and do their best to preserve their dignity. This means respecting their privacy whenever possible. Medical Assistants should have a friendly, pleasant personality, and should work to put patients at ease and calm their fears. An AMA should also empathize with her patients and show concern for their things. A
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