Mexican Suicide

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Leonardo Zambrano English 1302 B.G Guitierrez February 25, 2012 Study or you Dishonor this Family!! Suicidal thoughts can get to any person. All you need is a depression topped off with deep remorse of yourself and a little bit of hopelessness. “It has been estimated that more than 20,000 people commit suicide in the United States each year” (Parrish 1). This is just a rough idea of the numbers. There are some signs that are given off by someone that is planning on committing suicide. They usually tend to isolate themselves from everyone else and in some cases they tend to start saying their goodbyes. There are ways of helping someone that is going to kill him/her if you get to it close enough. The girl form Mikitani’s poem went through…show more content…
These cultures see women as only able to do house work and not big things like being a doctor, engineer, business owner, etc… this is very wrong because women are now taking over many of the big jobs out there. The Mirikitani wrote on her poem “If only I were a son” showing that the girl was a victim of this type of behavior being demonstrated by he parents. (377). The girl that is being portrayed in this poem must have thought that being a girl wasn’t a good thing. The parents of the girl who wrote this poem are possibly part of this group, resulting in the girl herself believing that she is inferior to men. She must have thought that her parents didn’t even think that she would become anything in…show more content…
Many things contribute to a person’s death wish. A person may find living to be a huge pain in the rear end, or they may think that nothing better will come along the way. Many other things will also affect it. According to Dr. Iga’s studies on suicidal behaviors “weak ego; restraint on aggression; a lack of social resources” will also affect if a person will commit suicide or not (Iga). We need to stop abusing of people that are different from us because of whatever reason. That doesn’t make us any better at all. It just makes us highly uncultured and un-intelligent. The thing that might have also contributed to her suicide would have been the high expectations which were given to her by her parents and society. Society and the media have a bigger impact on the people of today because everyone wants to keep up with everyone else. Nobody wants to be left behind so to speak. Having high goals on one’s life would actually lead to a suicide because if you fail them then you would be really brought down by your own failure. On a work done by Dr. Iga’s it is shows that “a great degree of goal-means discrepancy, perception of a failure situation as irredeemable, and an alienated self-concept” are also some of the factors that affect someone badly (Iga). This information is basically the same thing I had

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