Moral Panics Essay

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What do sociologists mean by “moral panics”? Give example. In sociologists perspective, moral panics define as the over reaction to new media forms and some deviant subcultures. According to Cohen (1980), individual or groups that threat to the society’s values and interests will define as moral panic. Moral panics are mainly cause by mass media which amplify and exaggerate the actual scale of some deviant groups or individual, and will develop the construction of moral panics. The word “folk devil” was first use in 1972 by Staleny Cohen. Folk devil means the individual or groups that targeted by moral panics because they are deviant in the society. These deviant people are representing the evil to the media and they could threat the social order. For example, this could be single mother, youth, asylum seekers, etc. “More moral panics will be generated and other, as yet nameless, folk devils will be created. This is because our society as present structured will continue to generate problems for some of its members, and the condemn whatever solution these groups find” (Conhen 1987:204). That’s mean moral panics are still generating by today’s folk devil. This folk devil could influence to the youth culture, values, attitudes and behavior in the society. For example, sex panic and drugs addiction. Moral panics have five characteristics which let people know when moral panics take hold in a given society. The five characteristics are concern, hostility, consensus, disproportionality and volatility. According to Goode (1994), concern is the beginning of moral panic. This is the concern of behavior in some deviant individual or groups that likely to have a negative impact on society and influence the social order. Hostility is the increase in the level of awareness of the deviant individual or groups. The society will start realize these group of
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