Newton's Second Law

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Newton’s Second Law Lab Purpose: The purpose of this experiment was to determine the relationships between mass, force and acceleration as well as to prove Newton’s second law Hypothesis: It was hypothesized that there would be an inverse relationship between acceleration and mass; as the value of the mass increased the acceleration decreased. As well it is hypothesized that there would be a direct relationship between the net force and acceleration; as the net force increases the acceleration increases as well. Materials & Method: The materials that were required to do the experiment were a metre stick; its purpose was to measure the amount of string that is going to be used to drag the cart. Next equipment needed for the lab was a dynamic cart; it was going to be dragged by the string with a mass on the other end and will find relationships between these two. Also string (about 75cm) was needed in this experiment which would help pull the cart with the help of the masses that were used. As well a stopwatch was required in order to keep track of the time of how fast the cart had traveled from point A to point B. Furthermore two paper clips were also needed in order to attach the cart and the masses to the string. Paper towels would be used to soften the fall as the masses were dropped. Also a pulley with a table mount is required to support the string. As well two pieces of masking tape were needed in order to mark where point A and B are located. Finally a newton spring scale was required to measure the masses in newton. There are two separate procedures in this experiment that will test the relationship between the cart and the mass. The first part the lab is to determine the relationship between the cart and mass if the cart’s mass was left at a constant. First set up a pulley at the edge of a table and mount it on so it does not fall off.
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