Nt1110 Unit 11 Viruses and Worms

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Viruses and Worms Operating system security is at the core of a safe, secure operating system. Our computers are vulnerable to corrupt files, compromised data, and system crashes. There are many attack methods used to uncover your personal information. Two of the methods are viruses and worms. A virus is an executable code usually sent in an e-mail attachment or hidden in audio clip, video clip, or game. Viruses can corrupt files, control applications, and erase a hard drive simply by sharing a file. A worm is an executable code that spreads by infecting files over a network. Worms normally do not require user action, to populate and they do not need attachment to another program or file. Once a virus or a worm releases itself, it will spread quickly. Within a matter of a few minutes or hours, it can affect millions of computers. Worms spread by using weaknesses in the communication channels established by software, either by the application itself or by the operating system. Virus classification can be boot sector, transient, resident, logic bomb, or payload. Infecting the boot sector and potentially controlling the operating system, attaching itself to a certain program, activating when you run your program and deactivation when the program is shutdown, loading itself into the memory, or waiting for a specific date and time. A Trojan horse is malicious and will hide itself within a trusted program, simulates a legitimate program causing damage to the computer or network during program execution. Two viruses that commanded the attention of the media were Melissa and ILOVEYOU viruses. Individually striking within fourteen months of each other and exposing the weaknesses in e-mail security and the lack of software to scan these files prior to opening. To be familiar with the person sending the e-mail was not acceptable anymore and it raised awareness
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