Of Mice And Men: Is George Justified In Killing Lennie?

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Is George justified in killing Lennie? John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men is a short novel about two friends, quick-witted George and dim-witted Lennie. (ef fram kemur af hverju þeir eru samtvinnaðir væri got að koma því að) They are both gauchos moving together from ranch to ranch looking for work but Lennie’s screwups cause them to be on the run consistently. They have a dream about a little farm of their own where they can reap their own harvest and keep rabbits and that’s what keeps them going in a hard life, although it is pretty obvious these are just pipe dreams. The story happens mainly at a ranch nearby the Salinas River in the state of California. Flétta hérna inní að sagan bæði byrjaði og endaði við ána! (Spyrja Pabba) já LÍKA AÐ NEFNA AÐRAR PERSÓNUR!!?? Spurning um að spinna hér inn Curly og eiginkonuna – annars kemur kauðalega út að segja bara “murdered Curly’s…show more content…
George killed Lennie, just like Carlson, another gaucho at the ranch where the story happens killed Candy’s (another gaucho at the ranch) dog.He did it because he had to, and it was the best for the dog. Lennie had done something more acute than accidentally killing a small mouse or a puppy, he had murdered Curley’s wife. Whether it was on purpose or not, if George had let Lennie live Lennie could have been lynched or tortured to death. George knew he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he let the man he was responsible for, be killed out of revenge. Lennie had no idea what he was doing, and it wasn’t fair that he should be killed out of hate. George had learned from Candy when he said: "I ought to have shot that dog myself, George. I shouldn't ought to have let no stranger shoot my dog." (Page 86) Candy had taught him that if Lennie's death was unavoidable, it might as well be done by someone who cares about him. Lennie had to be killed out of
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