On The Waterfront

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The 1954 film on the waterfront directed by Elia Kazan is about undisputed tyrannical dominion on the New York waterfront and how omnipotent self allocated dictators can be surmounted by those with the right initiative. This is prominently reflected through the plight of Father Barry, terry Malloy and Edie Doyle as seen throughout the text, by their intentions of withstanding injustices served by the malevolent Johnny friendly and his followers. The protagonist Terry Malloy comes across as a naive, introverted character who is enveloped by his torn values, lack of morality and tainted conscience. In the early stages of the text terry felt as though he was compelled to stay true to friendly, a man of whose impious nature terry chose to overlook. Although it is when he meets Edie Doyle that we see a more considerate, kind-hearted side of terry as shown through his conversation with her whilst walking in the park, when Edie questions him by asking terry ‘whose side he is on’ with his reply ‘I’m with me. Terry. these words encourage terry to pose this question to himself and are trigger of his struggle with the decision of remaining loyal to Johnny Friendly by turning the other cheek to the actions of the ruthless union boss or his moral obligation to speak the truth not only to the crime commission on Friendly’s sinister crimes but to Edie about the true event of her brother Joey Doyleys murder. Furthermore it is with the good nature and encouragement of both Edie Doyle and Father Barry who not only serve as Terry’s main sources of inspiration but also represent the rest of the waterfront community who has been wronged by Johnny friendly’s actions. Towards the films peak terry finds it in himself to convert his loyalty in the truth and confides in father Barry, telling him of his involvement in the murder of Joey Doyle, which is the turning point in the film as
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