Ophelia Syndrome In Hamlet

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Ophelia’s Syndrome Ophelia Syndrome is defined as being dependent on another person's thoughts, feelings or actions. The syndrome gets it name from a character in Shakespeare's “Hamlet.” Ophelia Syndrome is best described as thinking or feeling a certain way because a person is told to. People fail to think independently due to the presence of authority figures or different forms of the media. For example, some young girls feel the pressure to be thin or to change their bodies because the media communicates in different ways what, by the mainstream media's definition, is accepted and considered attractive. These girls take drastic measures to alter their bodies due to the belief that the media is the authority on the subject.…show more content…
Theres Rose Mary, thats for remembering. Please remember, love.” (Act lV, Scene V). Ophelia says. She is trying to show Laertes speaking up for herself in a way how crazy she has gotten from her fathers death, that even if she's crazy she will still speak up and show why she is mad. Then Laertes says, in “Sadness and torment, suffering, hell itself—she makes them almost pretty.” (Act lV, Scene V). In addition to this conclusion, I've had past experiences where if you have no one to go to for help, a stranger might do just the right thing, for example like some teachers that i wouldn't know would give me advice. Adding to this, in Act lll, Scene ll Ophelia says to Hamlet “You get better in your jokes and worse in your manners.” (Act lll, Scene ll) After he has made a sexual comment towards her knowing that he was mocking her. She stood up for herself an actually got a chance to say what she is thinking, I can relate to this because i feel like i do not have a power struggle, whatever is on my mind I will say it just like how Ophelia…show more content…
He let in the girl, and when she left She wasn’t a virgin anymore.” (Act lV, Scene V) She is desperate into being loved and wanting his attention that she has gone mad and has told everyone how she isn't a virgin anymore. This shows how Ophelia’s chaste independence on the men in her life; after Polonious death and Hamlet subsequent exile, she finds abruptly without any of them. This makes a connection with the photograph I took of me laying down with flowers looking back at my innocence and how much i would want to go back and make Hamlet love me again, and make my father listen to me. I am Ophelia in the picture. To be brief, Ophelia’s syndrome comes from 3 super egos that she has which her Masculine voice, men telling her what to do, her libido which is her sexual desire for Hamlet and wanted to be loved and cared for. also her power struggle, having the chance of speaking her mind for once and standing up for herself and against Hamlet. Ophelia and her syndrome has been characterized as being dependent on other people and when she has no one to go to, has no hope and think her work is over. Her mind must think that she has only one option which is committing suicide, and thats exactly what she
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