Outline And Evaluate Learning Theory As An Explana

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Outline and Evaluate Learning Theory as an Explanation of Attachment The learning theory of attachment has two parts, Classical conditioning and Operant conditioning. Firstly, before Classical conditioning, when the baby is fed they feel pleasure so this makes the food the un-conditioned stimulus and the baby’s response the un-conditioned response. Also the mother is a neutral stimulus and the baby does not respond to the mother alone. The baby is not born with an attachment to their mother. However, the mother is there each time the baby is fed. Subsequently, Classical conditioning is learning through association. Firstly the food is the un-conditioned stimulus which the baby feels pleasure from so this is the un-conditioned response. Then, the mother is the neutral stimulus however, for the baby so after time the mother becomes a conditioned stimulus as the baby associates the mother with food and this is the conditioned response. The baby associates the mother with food. Alternatively, Operant conditioning is learning through reinforcement. The mother rewards the infant by feeding him, so the infant associates the mother with the reward and repeats any action that brings her close. When the baby cries they receive food and the food relieves hunger and brings a feeling of pleasure which is the reward to the baby. Food is a primary reinforcer, because it removes the discomfort it reinforces the behaviour. The reward reinforces the action so the baby repeats it. A strength that supports this theory is that it shows we do learn through association and reinforcement however food may not be the only factor. Weaknesses of this theory are that the psychologists approach used animals such as Pavlov’s dogs and Skinner’s rats and other psychologists would say that this is not valid because humans behave differently. Evidence to support this theory is from Ivan
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