P5 1.1 Explain the Policies, Procedure and Practice for Safeworking with Children and Young People

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1.1 Working with children and family takes places within a legal context, Section 11 of the children Act 2004 places a statutory duty on the key people and bodies to make arrangement to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. Though my project contains mainly adult with learning difficulties, all organisations that works with children and family share a common commitment to safeguard and promote their welfare and for many agencies that is underpinned by a statutory duty. It is very important that all organisation working to safeguard children understands their full responsibilities, accountability and duties as set out by the law Working Together to safeguard children sets out the guidelines on how organisation and individuals should work together to safeguard and promotes the welfare of children and young people. This policy states that all organisations that provide services or work with children and young people should: 1.Have senior managers that are committed to children and young people safeguard and promotes children, 2. Be clear about people’s responsibilities to safeguard and promote children’s welfare. 3. Check that there are no known reasons or information available that would prevent staff and volunteers from working with the children. 4. Also there must be standard procedures for dealing with incidents or allegation of abuse against members of staff and volunteers. 5. To have an agreement about working with other organisation like the social services ,CQC, and other multi-disciplinary teams ,etc 6. To ensure that all staff has training that helps them to understand and cope with working with children. And finally to check that there are no known reasons or information available that would prevent staff and volunteers from working with children and these are done with regular DBS check. The
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