Personal Narrative: How The Wolves Destroyed Our Whole Entire Town

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How the Wolves Destroyed Our Whole Entire Town It was a night when the wolves will run wild and howl louder than usual. It was October thirty first, it was Halloween, a holiday everyone loved and celebrated, but who knew this year was going to be a nightmare. We ran and ran as fast as we could, running away from the terror that had just happened in this little town called Kram. Now you’re probably wondering who is we and what is happening right now. Since you don’t know what I’m talking about, let’s go back to the beginning of the story. It started out as a normal boring day, waking up in the morning, brushing my teeth, changing my clothes, eating breakfast and heading off to school. The only thing different was I was in my…show more content…
Mark wanted to celebrate his birthday with me and his parents only, and besides I was his closest friend. When we arrived at his house, his parents were already outside waiting for us. We got out of the car and went inside while my mom and his parents were talking. We took off our backpacks and started eating the snacks his parents laid out for us while talking about the party. I asked, “Hey, did you guys order the cake yet? Did you, did you?” He answered, “Well, if I tell you now I’ll ruin the surprise but if I don’t you’ll keep annoying me until I tell you, so I’ll just show you the cake.” He went to the refrigerator to take out the heart cake about sixteen inches long. I thought it was too big but I guess his parents wanted him to have the best sixteenth birthday party ever. I think it looks like chocolate devil’s food cake and it said, “Happy Sixteenth Birthday, Mark!” on the top of the cake. It might not be chocolate devil’s food cake but I know it is chocolate flavor because chocolate is Mark’s favorite flavor for cake and ice-cream. Now I’ll just have to wait until we cut the cake to see what’s inside the cake; who knows, for all I know it could be an ice-cream

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